Remodeler Referrals
Dunn Lumber is often asked for remodeler recommendations and we suggest you start with the Home Remodeler’s Directory published by the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS).
Companies listed in the Home Remodeler’s Directory are MBAKS members and have agreed to adhere to the MBAKS code of ethics. Additionally, companies listed in this publication are also dues paying members of the MBAKS Remodelers Council. Before each printing of the directory, MBAKS verifies that each company listed has an active contractor license.
As you search for the right company to hire, it’s important to do your own due diligence to ensure they’re reliable, trustworthy, and have a proven track record of success, such as:
- Verify they have an active license, a clean history, and bonds and insurance for potential damages. You can search for a company on the Washington State Department Labor & Industries website here.
- If they have employees, use the Labor & Industries verification tool to check for an active workers’ compensation account.
- Get references and stay alert for scams.
- Get a written contract and make sure you understand the terms.